I Did it!

I Did it!

"you keep going"


Monday, May 10, 2010

Awe, weekends, I LOVE em!

Soccer games, kids, friends, cooking grill cheeses for the masses, ....Crazy!

Gee, by the time night comes, I have no energy to blog...so let me think back.


umm..oh ya, saw Erica on the rower and reintroduced myself. We shared some laughs and excitement for the upcoming Rev 3 and LPIM. She's got it going and wishing her the best!

Besides my socializing, I did hit the rower again. Feeling the need to work on the arms since they have been lifeless for a period of time. Decided to bang out a 5K. This time it was in 21:13. Much better than earlier in the week.

My gosh, these butt bones do not like the rower!

Then I did some deadlifts at 85lb for 30x. The soaz (sp?) muscle is not happy. Just going to continue to stretch, and massage it. Not letting it get to me. (OK, lying a little..its bugging me!)


Yummy.... started out with delicious blueberry pancakes and a large Dunkin Donuts coffee.

For Mother's Day, Bendz and I rode the Rev 3 course and then some. Yes, the wind and somewhat chilly weather was a factor, but made it all the more fun. We did get a little lost as some of those country roads were not marked.

We kept reminding each other of "gu-ing". Ya, after a while it was getting comical. Come on, Gu's are not as delicious and tempting as a burger with fries. We tried to keep on the 20-30 minute rule. We both could have used more water. With the wind, you didn't feel the sweat.

The last couple of roads got some really inappropriate nicknames I can not comment on



Rt 64...

Thanks Bendz, lol

We finished the ride at 61.44 miles and 63 squats. Ya, we were out there for over 4hrs...

After stretching, it was the like, FOOD!! Where can we get something to eat??!!!

Nothing better than an egg and cheese sandwich, my favorite 1/4 Blueberry pound cake (bendz!) and another cup of HOT Dunkin Donuts coffee.

Well, Mother's day was not over yet....off to a 5:15pm soccer game.

And the day would not be complete without a late night run to the grocery store so Monday's lunches could consist more of than just a piece of bread and a carrot stick.


Monday 5/10

well...I woke up with really no soreness, except for inner/thigh soaz thing. Surprised I can keep my head up, I thought for sure my neck muscles were going to protest.

So I went to the Y at lunch....WOD called for 135lb deadlifts 7x, 95lb squats 7x, and box jumps 7x for a total of 5 sets.

Bendz says the deadlifts hurt her hamstring so I opted not to attempt them and substituted it out for sit ups. I need to ponder over this.

The problem (well more of my not wanting to make it happen, now that I look back) was the box jumps are made up of 10 boxes on a side with the aerobic step...these are in one room and the squat machine is in another room. I could have spent the 7 minutes of moving things but I didn't.

So instead, making it easier on myself I did this....25 sit-ups/15 jump squats with a 18lb bar/ 7 box jumps 5x.

Felt like I cheated myself....

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