I Did it!

I Did it!

"you keep going"


Monday, June 28, 2010

What a Weekend!

I sure wish I had my camera..my kids, parents, and cousins all volunteered and worked at the Cohassett Triathlon this past Sunday. All dress in their yellow shirts, waving signs they had made the night before to cheer on my brother and me.

This was a sprint triathlon....not a favorite of mine. I have come to love the longer distances where I can actually catch my breath and have many, many conversations with myself.

So Sunday morning my brother and I rode our bikes down to the race with gear in tow.

I was amazed at the set up. I thought this was a town sponsored event, nothing huge, etc. It was really cool, with the stage set-up music, etc.

Looked really cool.

So ya, the butterflies started coming.

Before the pre-race announcements, my brother came over to me and showed me his daughter's goggles he was going to use. I said, her use mine, I have an extra pair. I also showed him the key ingredient to getting out of a wet suit....PAM...so he laughed and sprayed it on himself.

After squeezing into my wet suit I went down to the ocean to check out the water temps and my spare goggles. OK, it was so sunny, hot , and humid already I thought the ocean waters would be welcoming....NOT!!

It was freezing! And yes, I guess I am a wimp!

So I sucked it up and dove under...crap, the string on the nose part of my goggles broke. I tried many of times to tie and tighten but it was not working.

The first 2 waves had already taken off..pretty cool too, It was a beach run start....always fun running in sand in a wetsuit. lol

So I ran up to the registration area, got some duck tape and taped the nose piece.

good to go...

Wave 7 finally got corralled and then the mad dash to the water.

FREEZING!!! ugghh!

Well water started coming in on the left lens....two times I emptied it out then just kept going.

So the swim wasn't too bad as far as me typical zigzagging...only caught myself doing it once.

then the run up the beach to transition.


Choppy beach roads, no fun up hills and down hills. Had one Gu and guzzled some "fresh" water.

Was able to play cat and mouse with a woman in my age group. It was good because it pushed me harder than if i was by myself.

Yes, I did end up beating her into transition, but she did get the last laugh later.


YUCK! I felt my quads were cylinder blocks...not bricks, but CYLINDERS.

It was a mental game for me... I shuffled through the first water station and then told myself I am not going to walk anywhere, its only 3.2 miles.

It was wicked hot and humid and the sun was shining down. I did end up dousing myself with water. Hard to believe that this seemed worse than the 13.1 run I did a couple of weeks ago. ugghh!

So another hill came up, and people were walking and again I said I did squats I am not walking up this...OK, I trudged up it, good enough for me. (at least at the time)

So around 2.5 miles, my legs decide they want to run...and I was finally able to smile and breathe.

So coming down the hill to the finish line, I high five my crew, and was waving to my brother and sister in law on the rocks...and little did I know that the 'cat' from the bike was ready to pounce on me. And sure enough, in the finish shoot, she past me. I learned a hard lesson...

Overall, it was a good day...finished in 1:12.

I am disappointed in my run. I thought 3.2 miles wouldn't be so painful.

Monday 6/28...

Tired today....the WOD was 21..15...9 rounds of kb swings, sit-ups, and squats.

Finished up with some good stretching.

Tuesday 6/29...

Got up early and before work surprised Bendz with flowers and donuts well for her kids, but she enjoyed them too.

WOD was 7 deadlifts...


I stay conservative. Did not want to aggravate my hamstring.

Wednesday 6/30...

WOW, today was gorgeous!

WOD was a 600yd swim kick. Actually kicked better than last time I did this. No bumper boats this time.

The only thing gone wrong was my hives came out really bad around my eyes after swimming...weird. So with 10 minutes to spare on my lunch break I hit the park and soaked in some sun.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Another beautiful blue sky day!!

Got up really early, not sleeping so good lately, even though I am physically tired.

Gee , could it be the LPIM is ONE MONTH FROM TODAY?!!

It's more than that I know...

So this morning I was procrastinating with everything, except getting my Dunkin Donuts coffee.

After washing the floors, and a couple emails, Bendz finally told me to go workout...so I did.

So the WOD was row 500,/run 400m (5x) for time.

Well, I felt pretty naked at the gym, no.. not that kind of naked , but forgot my watch, my earrings and even my $5 bracelet that gets me through some tough workouts.

Well, the row was more tiring than the running.

I have gotten pretty anal with the run part.

Because the TR takes time to raise to 1 incline and get up to the speed I want, I don't start the 400m, till it's where I want it to be.

Spent the afternoon by the pool with friends, a good book, and well deserved sunshine.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

So last night I went to bed knowing today was going to be a killer workout...on top of a wicked busy day and with kids in tow.

So the WOD..at least the first part was bike 1 mile..rest 2 minutes..2 miles..rest 3 minutes up to 5 miles and then back down.

ok, so 30 miles total on trainer in the basement.

I was smart enough to put a fan down there and extra water.

Left there drenched.

Ran all my errands...had to go to work for a bit, but my daughter came with me and we had lunch there and had some fun....then more errands.

Did so much driving that I even got myself car sick.

Hangin over my head was WOD #2.

Usually I help run soccer practice, but I told the head coach, I have to go to the Y and bang out a 20 minute WOD, then I'd be back.

I ended dragging his wife with as she was wanting to go workout anyways.

So WOD #2....squats 95lbs (5x)...10 sit ups...500 row for 20 minutes.

6 complete sets and 1 full set of squats.

Boy, I sure feel grubby, dirty, but at the same time...elated.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Unbelievable finish!

Hilarious at work, there were no emails being sent or receive for the last 10 minutes of the game

I have to laugh... I got a call from management with less than 2 minutes left to go and as USA scored I was screaming into the phone and told her I had to go, talk later!

So I left my desk in a sweat of course to go workout.

WOD was row 5k=20:50.

Gosh, my butt bones still scream at me on the rower.

Then the other WOD was swim kick 400yd TT = 13:19

Before I even started I thought if my hip flexors get too tired I will stop ever 100yd and rest.

Never happened...I kept going.

I actually loosened up and probably got faster by 200yd.

Still slow coming to the wall, turning and pushing off.

One good thing is me and the pool ropes never played bumper boats!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hit the gym at lunch today...

Mike and I still can't stop talking about the success of the race.

He is very proud of his business and has so much passion for it.

The WOD....

4 mile run at 70% effort....I really don't enjoy running right now. I seem to heat up quickly, the hammy is still a brat, I opt for the TR since its convenient and safer than lunch time traffic.

But the bottom line is a I did it.

I put the TR on Random/level 2 so it throws random hills at me. Was able to get threw it at 30:50minutes... then on to my 15 minute massage.

Can't wait to get outside on my bike.

Monday, June 21, 2010


For all that ran, volunteered or simply donated to the Miles for Multiple Myeloma.

The race organizers had their best attendance to date for their 5k/10k circuit.

Not only that, they loved the enthusiasm and energy from everyone.

This quote from Mike of Trisportmedia sums up the day...

"honestly, that was the coolest part...to have ALL those people there at the end of the race chanting and cheering and stuff. We never had that. The money is good but the love and friendship I saw was awesome!

Now that, that is behind me, time to focus on a sprint triathlon this weekend and then the BIG ONE on July 25th.

so WOD of the day yesterday was a 5k bike = 6:28.

Today was HELEN, my version.

Row 500/run 400/21 kb (3x)

I warmed up with a 1 mile run, stretched my hamstring...still has a nag to it, but just making sure I listen to it.

OK, Helen, gave me a very hard time...I thought I was going to "toss my cookies" after the 3rd run, so moved closer to the garbage can do do the KB swings.

Wanted to so bad push the red stop button, but pushed on.

I would like to think it was all the excitement from this weekend of graduation & birthday celebrations, and the road race that wiped me out.

Great weekend, memories for a life time.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beautiful Blue Sky!!


Swim kick 100yds, 15 squats timed.....8x....=32:53

This was not fun....my kicking, I barely move.

I felt like I was playing bumper boats with my body and the side of the pool.

So the last 100yd, I made sure I was not bumping the side.

Then I ran upstairs to do the 5 Dead Lifts....(5x)

Warmed up with 75lbs....

125lbs...was able to do this, but my form I am sure was not so great.

Time for a nice cold glass of Raspberry lemonade.

Friday, June 18, 2010

"Courage is doing what you are afraid to do.
There can be no courage unless you are scared."

I saw that in a book today.

OK, I am starting to get LPIM newsletters and actually reading them.

This is making it more real and a little scary, I can't deny.

Today my daughter graduated from elementary studies, yes, 6th grade.

So proud of her.

So today I got a 1hr massage....40 minutes must have been spent stretching and kneadin my abs. Yes, she was rubbing the budda belly....she gave me the anatomy of what this helps, and just hearing hip flexors, I obliged.

I did tell her, that this was not a "fun" massage...But I left there feeling "light", and less tight ..weird.. I know.

ya so my day was jam packed but was able to get in the WOD

Hit the track and did the 8x 400's......after my 6th lap, my hubby and 12 yr old came beeping into the parking lot of the track screaming....put a great big smile on my face.

Time for a shower and I hate to keep saying this , but no alarm clock tomorrow!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

This morning I woke up and told my teenager, that last night went by way too fast. Felt like I just put my head down and the alarm was going off.

Started the morning with pancakes....

Kids were happy.

Today's WOD:
Bike 3 miles rest 1 minute
Bike 6 miles rest 2 minutes
Bike 9 miles rest 3 minutes
Bike 12 miles....

sweated all over the place and enjoyed it.

Then had to do the 2nd part of the WOD...
21 squats/500row...15 squats/5oo row...9 squats/500 row

I timed it (8:25) but my rowing got all mixed up cause I didn't reset the rower to a new 500 every time....the machine was still counting i guess the rest time..not sure. So I rowed a total of 1750 I think.... I'll have to figure this out next time.

I am psyched for some good sleep.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bendz, THANK U for my lunch.

I inhaled it back at my desk.

I think you felt my nervous, excited energy, cause you must have given me 2lb of turkey in my sandwich. It made me laugh.

Today was absolutely CRAZY at work.....so many sporting events going on.

I almost did not leave my desk, but I had to see Lincoln and give Bendz and Todd a collage from Rev3 .

I ran to my jeep, looked like a crazy lady I am sure.

Today's WOD

12x50 in the pool with 1 minute rest....DONE

Ran into the gym and banged out 7 back squats. Took a quick rest in between.

Warmed up with no weight, then did 90lbs....yes, still looking like a crazy lady, especially with my google pressed face and wet hair.


That's it!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Boo-Boo!

I love birthdays....celebrating with friends, family, and always ice cream.

Cookie Monster ice cream still ROCKS in my house.

The WOD was 5 sets of 3 squats.

Warmed up with just the bar, then 95lbs.

Sets were this:

I could have done I know 150lb and probably more I bet, but stopped at 5 sets.

Got a 15 minute massage.

Ever have your Suez (sp?) pushed on to release the hip rotators and junk?

Yes, some what discomforting but it was pretty tight.

It's worth the "rush" afterwards once it is released.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Today....crazy at work, crazy with the MM Race, one kid is sick, there is no milk for Grandma's coffee.....yes, its Monday.

So today...

I had to switch WOD with Sunday since I had no time to get to the pool with church and out of town soccer games.

So today I did yesterday's WOD....10/20/30 reps of box jumps/squats/sit-ups/burpees.

Burpess got tiring...

Then hit the pool for the 4x100yd kicks.

Wanted to do some laps freestyle, but got right out so I did not give into any temptations.

Gee, temptations use to be cold beers and nachos, now it's doing the plan and more.

Off to get milk for Grandma

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday....rise and shine 6:15am

WOD = 65lbs - 50x at 1:43 minutes

Bike 30 minutes at 80%

50 sit-ups

15reps back extensions (3x)

Stretched and rolled on the foam roller and tennis ball.

Tennis Ball hit the hot spots, better than the roller.

Nice rainy night....curling up in bed with my book and not the foam roller this time.

Friday, June 11, 2010


How sad is this, I use to love Happy Hr on Fridays after work.

Now I am jones'in for NO ALARM CLOCK tomorrow!

Today's WOD was row 500 run 400 3x at 80%... did it and a little more...

I did 15 reps of bicep curls with 12lb/15lb/15lb trading off with 15 reps of tricep with 35lb/4olb/40lb

Then did the pull down bar with i think 70lbs (15 reps) and 25 mt climbers (3x)

Move over to the mats and just did 2 x:60 planks alternating with a 8lb db side crunches.

Stretched and out the door.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yes, my day off from work!

Damn alarm still goes off at 5:40am...up to make coffee and lunches.

My legs actually felt really good today.

I got a refill on my Celebrex today.

Shoulder has been ok... Still limiting what I do with it.

Today WOD was bike 5k rest 3 minutes bike 5k at 80%

I hit the gym for this. I wanted to crank my tunes and sweat.

Weird, but I wanted a hard workout today, but i have been told "to stay on the reservation"

So I did.

The bikes were taken when I got there, so I warmed up on the elliptical for a bit.

First 5k was 8 :30 on level 13
Second 5k was 8:24 on level 13

Then I did some stretching which felt really good (ya I can't believe stretching felt good..painful but good pain)

Hit the foam roller then off to deliver some flowers to my Mom and thanking her for just about everything.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I am ready to throw my alarm against the wall!

5:40am 3 days in a row!

Not to mention the 4am nerves this past Sunday.

Got half way to the gym today on campus, but then decided I wanted to swim.

Arms were sore from the push-ups/bench press/kb from yesterday.

Legs are still a little tired.

Hit the pool.

80 laps.....free style.

8 laps with paddles

2 laps with kick board.

Showered and back to work.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today I was more sore...once I got moving things were better...today I felt hungry and tired.

I knew it was coming so just let it be.

Can't deny my body some good down time.

Today WOD was a 15k bike at 60% effort.

Did the 10 mile ride, easy as my legs were tired.

Also did a varied version of yesterday's WOD since I never saw my sneakers because I was stuck at my desk putting out fires and take a training class.

So I did bench press 15lbs/push ups 12/kb 15lbs/12 back extensions for 3x

Quick stretch, then back to work.

Tonight I had my own sugar pooluza with some Oatmeal raisin cookies and a couple of Reese's. miniatures.

I think my foam roller is calling, gotta go.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Survived and FINISHED!!

That was the REV 3 Half Ironman...

Getting into "the zone" began with making wheat blueberry pancakes on Saturday morning. Not my typical breakfast.

Saturday June 5

OK, I was extremely unorganized when woke up... I did manage to breakfast, but the day I knew was jam packed with events.

Saturday morning, I cruised over to Relay For Life as my hockey team participates in every year, so I needed to walk a few laps and visit my teammates whom i have not skated with since my shoulder hum drums. I was excited to see them, as they were of me.

Grease, special thanks to you. You always have the right words to say, even though I don't want to hear them all the time.

By 1pm, I jumped in my Jeep and head to Quassy for bike drop off.

I was excited to see Freddie, Bendz, Todd, Christina, Mark C , Chris and all the Trimax clients. Great to meet everyone face to face. After getting the bags/chips/etc. we all went and set up the bikes in transition.

So cool seeing all the neat bikes and the set-ups/varieties that these athletes do. We all put trash bags over our odometers/seats knowing that the weather was calling for severe storms over night into the am.

Hummm, would they cancel the event?

Day was not over...zoomed down to Fairfield for my daughters 5pm State Cup soccer game. Too bad we lost, but I did get in a good pre race dinner.

Now the long ride home....after 9:30pm when i got home, nothing was packed and I was extremely cranky, hot and tired.

Set the alarm for 4:10am, and laid in bed....ya not went to sleep...maybe dozed here and there but to be expected on the night before a race.

Race day....so many emotions and stories.

4:20am... saw a card in my transition bag from my husband. Way to nervous to open it.

4:30am...Freddie came out of his house wearing his bike helmet. I laughed right away.

4:40am...on the road to Quassy and a Dunkin Donuts coffee.

5:40am... Pulling into Quassy and trying not to have to bolt to the port o potty before even parking the Jeep!

6am... Gave hugs to all and wished them good luck.

6:30am... transition closes and we all head down to the water. I guide Freddie as we joke he can not see due to his glaucoma. (this ends up not being such a joke later on)

THE SWIM...(52:37)
I had a new pair of Swedish goggles, and stupid me never swam in them yet, but I knew they were not going to fog, so attached them to my red cap. Jumped in the water to pee (no laughing) and try out the goggles. Um, OK they work.

As the pros walked through the coral, I just stared. Wow, the pressure they must feel.

Next all us age groupers went. As you can see from the picture, a reporter got me high fivin Bendz as she was just about to take off on her first Half Iron Man journey.

7:18am...time for us old ladies, the last of the waves to take off. I was not nervous about the swim, the bike, but the run was hanging over my head.

Off we went, arm over head and kicking to keep the fish from nibbling on me.

Not even 50 yards out I see a blue cap swimming towards a kayak for help...it was Freddie.

I began yelling Freddie! Freddie!...he was panicking in the water and could not catch his breath. I told him to just tread water, keep your head up and breathe....take a deep breath.

I could not leave my dear friend.

I told him when he was ready to put his head back in the water and find a rhythm.

He did.

I stayed to the right of him as he suggested so he could see my red cap and stay on course. This is where his glaucoma became a dangerous issue.

Thankfully there were enough kayaks on the course should we had needed them.

As we excited the water together Freddie called me his Angel.

THE BIKE... (3:13)

Got into transition,hit the road and sure enough, my Mom and Dad were there (once again). I clicked out to give her a hug. Last year at TimberMan they surprised me and my emotions got the best of me at the finish line.

I was excited about the bike. Time for a cat and mouse game.

As I came around the lake in front of me there were Bendz and Todd .

I screamed " Move it Bendz!"

"grigs, I am having so much fun!"

They looked so cute together and they were very happy and talkative.

They told me to go so I took off.

I then came upon Erika. I commended her for her bravery for coming out on this course after last years traumatic accident. She looked great and was cranking up the hill.

Next mouse was Mark C. We were climbing a hill and I said "good job" with out even knowing it was him till we both realized. We chatted and encouraged one another to keep going.

My next mouse, who I knew I'd never catch on the bike was Speedy, yes Christina. She is an unbelievable athlete. I did finally see her on the in and out road. She was flying by and looking strong.

This ride was New England...beautiful country side, wine vineyards and huge hills. Went my fastest at 42.4 mph. Had to be on Nonepaug where the wind was whipping and I burrowed down hard on the aerobars. It was a bit scary.

I was telling Bendz, that doing these races, its like feeding a baby. Need to stay on a feeding schedule.

When I got to the first water station, they were out of water and only had that "other disgusting" drink...no thanks.

I was like uh-oh....my goal was to pee on the bike. Silly yes, but not really.

I kept on a good schedule of drinking and eating Gu's, protein bar and my endurolytes.

Lot of freakin work!

Mile 47....hit my goal! No details needed!

"I love reading your blog."

"Who are you?"

It was Dan....sorry Dan. Had no clue. Later on Dan and I meet up again for some good conversation.

As I was nearing the end of the bike, there again was Mom and Dad...on my mind was the run.

Here was the test...

THE RUN... (2:12)

Racked my bike, tied my sneakers, grab my hat, sunglasses, some Gu's and my Endurolytes and off I went.

Any bump in the transition in the area is enough to throw you off balance. Quads were OK but still in shock.

Again, gave mom and Dad a hug and off I went...

I was out of the crowds and on my way.

I told myself it was time to dig deep and see what I was made of. I wanted to not walk till at least the first water station.

I thought of you Grease, as how hard you overcame so much suffering through your stem cell transplant and you did not give up. I actually read my $5 bracelet which has now turned copper saying that "if you believe, nothing is impossible" I smiled to myself.

So the first water station came, I walked through it to drink and either take my Gu or my tablet.

That was my thought to continue chugging along till the next station.

Well, I did pretty good...I know all about the dirt road hills.

As people were walking up them, I thought to myself, those people didn't have squats in their plan, they should have done squats. Of course that may not be true as they could be suffering through other aliments, but that is what got me up those hills.

No, I did not run every hill. I felt walking some it i was able to stretch out the hip flexors.

and my hammy....I stopped at the Mile 6 marker and actually put my leg up on it to stretch.

I was chuggin along and then Dan comes up behind me....we chatted and he shared some proud moments with his swim and over all health.

Proud of you Dan.

Great conversation sure helps pass the time, so thank you.

Then I see Christina, I was able to dig down and catch her to see how things were going. She was having issues with hydration and salt. So proud of her to continue going strong. She was not going to be defeated.

So many stories and emotions were shared out their...from a guy who had knee surgery 5 weeks ago to a four time ironman who was struggling due to dehydration.

So with 500 yards left , I got a little cramp in my calf...I stopped and walked for a second and then knew it was time to end this journey.

High five my folks , Emily, Ethan and was screaming to Angie as I was going down the finisher shoot.


Post Race Celebration...

I saw all my friends new and old finish. Todd and Bendz came into the shoot holding hands and smiling. Brought tears to my eyes.

As the wind picked up and time passed we started to worry about Freddie. The wind had blown over so much of the finish line and so many athletes and spectators had gone home.

Freddie's motto "Bautistas never quit"

And that he never did....

Maggie Macflies for post food and beer!

Thanks to my husband and kids who often felt the brunt of many bad mood swings through some really tough mental days of mine.

LPIM , here we come!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Whoa....sitting in my bed feeling bloated and huge.


I have consumed all the needed water/electrolytes/carbs/fats/proteins needed just for TODAY to get ready for the Half Iron man on Sunday. (i hope)

So this past week has been mentally challenge as many of you know who have ever been anxious,nervous, and excited about something.

The "waiting" is so hard.

Wednesday June 2
I scooted over to the Y and was suppose to do a Helen but again I know pull ups would aggravate my shoulder. So I rowed 500m/ran 400/15lb kb 21 swings (3x).

Also peeped my head into Chris's office at the Y and told him not to give up yet. He too has a shoulder issue and is awaiting results of an MRI. Just like any of us, an injury can be so mentally devastating. Timber man is waiting for you Chris. GOOD LUCK!

Thursday June 3
Today, I went up to my old hs school track to do the 8x200. I remember the days of having to run the 50 & 100 yard dash and the horrific 1 mile for the Presidential fitness award. Those were the days of Suzi Q's, Devil Dogs, Ring Dings, Big Macs.....

now its Powerbars, Gu's, frozen bags of peas and Celebrex. lol

This was actually hard. Never really got my hamstrings warmed up...did try, but just felt ugly.

Ended the workout with 100 sit ups and a "Rocky" lap around the track.

Friday June 4
Rest Day...... ya right....I paced the floors talking to Christina, Bendz, Grease, my mom in regards to the Rev 3 on Sunday. I know I clocked in over 12, ooo steps due to a work pedometer challenge I am involved in.

Well I planted plenty of flowers and always by my side was a bottle of water or Gatorade. I kept my food choices pretty good until after dinner, I ate a Take 5. delicious....with the chocolate, carmel, peanut butter and pretzel. But I will not loose sleep over this....

Tomorrow on the breakfast menu is wheat blueberry/strawberry pancakes with turkey sausage and a yummy hot coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

Ya, it's all about hydration/food and sleep for the next 48 hours.

OK, that's actually harder to handle than everything else going on like a 5pm State Cup soccer game in Fairfield, visiting my hockey team at Relay for Life, dropping off the bike/packet pick up and at least 50 trips to the bathroom.

Tonight, got to get my last good night of sleep, seeing that Sunday at 4:15am my alarm will be sounding off even though I know I will be staring at the ceiling hrs before that.

Gotta love it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


You know what I am referring to if you got a subject line in your email sometime this weekend

"you better be looking at my plan"

OK, so tapering is extremely hard but I am working on it, the mental part is the worse!

So today I warmed up with an easy 2 mile on the TR.

Hamstring is much better, but going to continue to outfit it in Kineiso tape for the Rev 3.

The WOD was 5 sets of 3x back squats with 70% of normal weight.

I went with 125lbs.

Later that afternoon, the Rev 3 Athlete guide came across my email.


Shortly thereafter, I was getting emails from Bendz and Freddie.

We all have that nervous, anxious, excited, OK and nauseous feeling.

I am looking forward to the challenge and I am hoping this body will rise above as it has in the past and get me across the finish line.