I Did it!

I Did it!

"you keep going"


Friday, June 18, 2010

"Courage is doing what you are afraid to do.
There can be no courage unless you are scared."

I saw that in a book today.

OK, I am starting to get LPIM newsletters and actually reading them.

This is making it more real and a little scary, I can't deny.

Today my daughter graduated from elementary studies, yes, 6th grade.

So proud of her.

So today I got a 1hr massage....40 minutes must have been spent stretching and kneadin my abs. Yes, she was rubbing the budda belly....she gave me the anatomy of what this helps, and just hearing hip flexors, I obliged.

I did tell her, that this was not a "fun" massage...But I left there feeling "light", and less tight ..weird.. I know.

ya so my day was jam packed but was able to get in the WOD

Hit the track and did the 8x 400's......after my 6th lap, my hubby and 12 yr old came beeping into the parking lot of the track screaming....put a great big smile on my face.

Time for a shower and I hate to keep saying this , but no alarm clock tomorrow!


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