I am so excited to get up to LP....can not take another day wandering around aimlessly.
WOD was my version of Helen at 70%....row 500/run 400m/20lb 21kb swings
I was excited to get in the zone again with my IPOD and do the WOD...sure it didn't take long, but to do what I love to do....felt great.
Ya the shoulder is a nagging thing, but the swim is..well lets say I am more worried about a broken nose and a black eye from any of the 2800+ athletes. Not on purpose of course.
Left the Y and went for an hr massage. Marie knows this body and sure works it where it needs it. We laugh and have such good conversations. She was so complimentary of the muscle tone not use to this stuff.
So over the past few days some quick thoughts shared to me from my friends...
"preparedness brings opportunity" -thanks "supervisor" Grease
"move from the heart" -KS
"tell your body how grateful you are and move with grace"- Marie
"you can do this" -everyone!
"tick tock tick tock"- Bendz (your turn is coming!)
last minute advice from Kris...thank you.
and tonight last Hoorah calls (seeing that I never have my cell phone on) from friends who won't see me till it's over.
Well, here I go....
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