I Did it!

I Did it!

"you keep going"


Thursday, July 1, 2010

WOW....I almost puked my breakfast this morning.

Today, I knew was going to be a tough workout.

First was the bike tabata....20secs on ...10 off (32x)....It came out to be around 5.30 miles I think...

I then thought about going home and coming back to the gym later, but with kids home, it being a beautiful day, and I did not want that 2nd WOD hangin over my head.

So went ahead and set up my obstacle course with the TR...box jumps...and a variation of wall balls.

Glad the gym wasn't too packed. I was able to maneuver my way around.

So started with 400m run....30 box jumps...30 wall balls (4x) = 21:18

The run was tough but I wasn't going to hit the stop button till I made the 400m....then walking across the gym to the box jumps...these got tough as time went on....the wall balls I used a 12lb medicine ball and squatted and lifted ball over my head. These were the easiest of the 3 disciplines. I was determined not to rest on these. My shoulder needs to hang on for 24 more days.

Phew....I made it through and I gave it my all today.

"the only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible"

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