I Did it!

I Did it!

"you keep going"


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This is CRAZY!!!! Ya, a good crazy but sick crazy!!!


Because yesterday was a rest day, I spent my lunch hr at the store picking out my breakfast/snacks/lunch/snacks/dinner/ after dinner snacks and hopefully not a mid-night snack for LP. Yes, consisted of Gu's, Gu Chompers, and gee, more Gu's.

Have been doing a lot of thinking of the special needs bags....Looks like I am going with PB&J and pretzels, and salt sticks/endurolytes. Yummy....

So the WOD was 3 sets of back squats 5x with 70% of normal weight.

I escaped to the Y so as to not run into anyone at my work gym asking me the obvious.."are ya ready?" "nervous??"...

So squats were 105lb/105lb/115lb/115lb/115lb...

Weird not leaving the gym floor in a lake of sweat.

But I know that's coming.

So with a time to kill, ran to the store and got some ice cream and paid a quick visit to Bendz and the kids. I am so grateful to have her there in LP. She is an unbelievable friend and it sucks I have to share her. lol

Grease, thanks for the call this morning. I think this was were I sweated the most today. I have my hive cream by my side 24/7 now. lol

"All's Good"....So Grease, if you are reading this blog, I know you faced your stem cell transplant straight on even though you were full of fear, anxiety, etc. but with one hell of a fighting attitude. I am again, grateful to have you and Mary coming to LPIM to share in an end to my long journey. You consistently, even on your worse days this past winter, always encouraged me to get my workout in. As I have said before, you constantly have me shooting for the moon, but even if fail, I still land among the stars.

ok, I am exhausted.....time to play with my kids.

I think I'll invent as well as introduce "tackle" hop scotch.

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