I Did it!

I Did it!

"you keep going"


Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh Monday......

Bendz surprised me at work with a delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee and 2 adorable kids. Oh and some fresh home grown/made blueberry cobbler. yummmmy.

WOD was swim 3x800yds (75%, 85%, 95%) with 3 minutes rest in between and 300 squats for time.

As soon as I got in the pool the YMCA campers came in so I started my first 800yd forgetting to time it.

I have a very hard time with these percent things when it comes to swimming....75%, OK, so you go slow so that you know that your next 800, you have to go a little faster, but not too fast that your last is a train wreck.

I guess today I only had an on and an off switch.

My 85% was 9:38 and my 95% was 9:25....

As for the 300 squats, got those done late tonight, but DONE....6:47.

Thighs were burning.

Off to finally finish reading Born to Run.

1 comment:

  1. Great Book! Saw a talk with Scott Jurek, he said he had never run more than a marathon before placing 2nd in his first 50 miler!
