I Did it!

I Did it!

"you keep going"


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today was a pool day.

Getting there was a struggle because the sun was out, its my day off from my work cage and my bike was staring at me for attention.

I went with my gut, which was telling me to swim.

So when I got to the pool, I grabbed the lane closest to the window so when I turn my head I got glimpses of the sky.

Crazy, huh?

But isn't training for an Iron Man crazy too?

So I swam 9o laps again, only stopped once to choke on my flem.

Then was hesitant about the shoulder press....sure hope Celebrex was happy about this.

Ran upstairs to the gym, eyeing the clock for when school was getting out, and decided to go for it.

5x of 5 sets...so it went like this:

30lbs ( warm up)

As I stirred the spaghetti sauce for dinner, I had a nice cold bag of ice hugging my shoulder. (just in case)

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